Thursday, April 30, 2020

Frankie the Koala

My heart was breaking while reading news stories on the koala bears suffering from the Australian wildfires. I've never seen one up close, but I find them sweet, kind and adorable. This painting represents my admiration for these sweet marsupials. Painted on treated canvas board 10x14 in watercolor.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Canals in Belgium

It's easy to think about Venice when you read or hear about canals in Europe. Recently I discovered there are also canals in Bruges Belgium. This is a view on my bucket list some day. Painted on paper in watercolor.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Sliver of Provence France

A bucket list location, I long to stand in a lavender field in southern France someday. My teenage daugher is currently learning the language in school, and we promised her if she continued her studies of the language until her senior year (she's a freshman), we would fund a family trip to France. She's interested in southern France, which works out perfect! This is painted on Arches paper with Daniel Smith watercolors.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Gouache still life for life being still

So we are in a pandemic which requires us to stay home in isolation. Perfect timing for a still life set. My kitchen needed some upgrades in wall art, so here are two paintings in gouache of still life in the kitchen. My style is the black and white border around objects of prominence, and slight fauvism to enhance shadows and highlights.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Tannis Shawl

Every now and again, my knitting produces some beautiful pieces. This shawl happens to be one of those pieces. My favorite colors to wear gravitate towards the cooler spectrum, and I bought this yarn with the intention of breaking that habit. It turned out exquisite, and makes me want to sip wine while wearing it.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Bob Ross, a happy philosopher

Who doesn't love Bob Ross? This past Christmas, my son gifted me a book of quotes from this wise and gentle man who has been a huge influence in my painting. The idea came to me to make my sweet husband a birthday card (March 10th) with a quote and a painting. It occured me that I never have painted him anything, so here is a special one for his 43rd.

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Celtic Rogue

I've knitted this pattern 3 times, and each have been a long and frustrating project of determination to create the perfect knitted hoodie. My first one was a blue scratchy wool creation that turned out 3 times to big for me (even after shrinking it in the wash). My 2nd attempt was frogged, and my 3rd turned out mediocre. Here is that 3rd attempt using a reclaimed acrylic for the body, and wool for the Celtic design. Before washing, it was great, but after it turned out mediocre-as in I don't need to leave the house in this. My problem with knitting is, I try to customize perfect patterns and then end up f***ing them up ultimately. Here is the before photo, but the after-washing photo wasn't so great.

Fairy Forest

 Lately I have been reading more fantasy novels and find my imagination inspired by the other worldly scenes described in these books. I fin...