Saturday, January 27, 2018

Burrowing Owl in watercolor

When I think of owls, I imagine the Burrowing Owl. With it's intense yellow eyes and glare, you can just feel it's power. One of my favorite bird paintings, watercolor on paper.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Wool Satchel

After knitting so many Icelandic sweaters, I had a lot of scrap Icelandic yarn to use up. I love making my own purses and bags, as I find manufactured bags a little dull. This is a pretty good size satchel crocheted with colors that remind me of the Northwest. The patch is a design by Cada Johnson, a designer living here in Oregon. Her artwork has always fascinated me, I love her captures of nature and this patch is one of my favorites. I made the bag large so that once I washed and dried it, it would become 'felted'. While it did shrink some, I still feel it's a bit large. That's okay though, better to be slightly large than too small! I even sewed a small pocket inside. This satchel is crocheted entirely with Alafoss yarn, a company in Iceland that has a very cool store outside of Reykjavik. The yarn is sturdy and water resistant (those sheep endure some serious wet weather!). I really love how the colors come together in this one.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Multnomah Falls Oregon

Entry number three of the landscape sketchbook is of Multnomah Falls. I was very pleased with the initial outline sketch, but disappointed in my choice of greens for the foliage. Green is one of the hardest colors for me to capture, yet ironically I have a green aura.

Still learning...

Saturday, December 16, 2017

St John's Bridge, Portland Oregon

Portland is known as Bridge City because we have so many. The most beautiful in my opinion is the St John's Bridge in NoPo (North Portland for you non-locals). This long sketchbook is a new experiment in drawing iconic places in Oregon up close. After painting 20 quick landscapes in my memories journal, this one will have more detailed sketches. I am trying to use fewer colors but still capture the image I have of the landmark. It's definitely a new learning curve, and has got me thinking it may be time to take a formal watercolor class next year. 

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Skogafjall knitted sweater

Time to take a break from painting. Now that it's cold, I have been knitting and crocheting a lot. On my Iceland vacation, I had the chance to stop at the Alafoss store in Mosfellsbaer to buy a lot of yarn for a good price. I had no idea what I wanted, so I took my time in indulging in the largest selection of Icelandic yarn I have probably will ever see in my life. 

I chose this magenta color because I rarely wear anything of this hue, plus I din't have any pattern in my mind to knit with it. Finally, this past summer I chose Skogafjall because it calls for Lett Lopi yarn. This sweater is typically knitted with greens, and of course the colors I purchased were nothing close. That's okay, the sky can be pink and the trees dark when there are Auroras right?

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Memories Journal #20-Best day of my life!

I will never forget March 27th, 2017. After a sleepless seven hour flight from Seattle to Reykjavik Iceland, I was about to begin my dream vacation I had for the past 27 years. Those who know me, know I have been intrigued by the beauty, culture, and forward thinking of Iceland. As a book crazy teenager that worked in the city library in 1989, I spent a lot of time researching this tiny country, along with The Netherlands and New Zealand. Iceland had the first female president, Iceland wasn't as cold as one would think, Iceland had Bjork!! The remoteness yet fierce independent mindset really grabbed my heart, and I told my 17 year old self someday I will get there.

March 27th, 2017 was the first day I woke up in this tiny magnificent country. I had planned this vacation with my oldest daughter for the past 9 months, and although I tried not to have an itinerary, I couldn't help but plan how I would cram all the sights I wanted to see in just six short days. Google Earth is one of my most visited websites, so I had ample opportunity to explore the areas I would visit. Number one on my list was South Iceland. 

Normally, March in Iceland is dreary and cold, but for whatever reason, we were blessed with clear and sunny skies. I couldn't help but think this was a gift from Odin and Frigg. The first stop was Seljalandsfoss (yes, that took me awhile to learn how to spell without looking it up!), and this beautiful waterfall can be seen for literally miles it is so tall. My wet cheeks hurt after spending about an hour here.

We also stopped at Skogafoss, a very wide and powerful waterfall not to be missed! I have the full daily blog here.

Our last stop in South Iceland was in a tiny town called Vik. It is a bit touristy because it is so quaint, and the little red and white church is iconic of this town which sits at the base of a few volcanoes. Black sand beaches, waterfalls, sunshine and smiles-can you get any better than that?

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Memories Journal #19

Our family reunion in 2014 was such a good one, we decided to repeat it but with even more family. In August 2015, I rented a vacation home in Sunriver Oregon. This is a resort town that is popular for skiing in the winter, along with fishing, hiking and golf in warmer months. This time, we had more family come, plus my new Icelandic Sheepdog puppy Kaela who was just a few months old. There were a total of 11 people and 4 dogs! 

What I love about Sunriver is the serenity of the river and surroundings. Pathways follow the community so it is easy to just wander for hours.

Fairy Forest

 Lately I have been reading more fantasy novels and find my imagination inspired by the other worldly scenes described in these books. I fin...