Saturday, March 14, 2020

Tannis Shawl

Every now and again, my knitting produces some beautiful pieces. This shawl happens to be one of those pieces. My favorite colors to wear gravitate towards the cooler spectrum, and I bought this yarn with the intention of breaking that habit. It turned out exquisite, and makes me want to sip wine while wearing it.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Bob Ross, a happy philosopher

Who doesn't love Bob Ross? This past Christmas, my son gifted me a book of quotes from this wise and gentle man who has been a huge influence in my painting. The idea came to me to make my sweet husband a birthday card (March 10th) with a quote and a painting. It occured me that I never have painted him anything, so here is a special one for his 43rd.

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Celtic Rogue

I've knitted this pattern 3 times, and each have been a long and frustrating project of determination to create the perfect knitted hoodie. My first one was a blue scratchy wool creation that turned out 3 times to big for me (even after shrinking it in the wash). My 2nd attempt was frogged, and my 3rd turned out mediocre. Here is that 3rd attempt using a reclaimed acrylic for the body, and wool for the Celtic design. Before washing, it was great, but after it turned out mediocre-as in I don't need to leave the house in this. My problem with knitting is, I try to customize perfect patterns and then end up f***ing them up ultimately. Here is the before photo, but the after-washing photo wasn't so great.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Dala Love

If you shop at IKEA during the holidays, you might see trinkets of a red wooden horse painted with bright colors as a decoration. This horse has become a traditional icon of Sweden, and I painted this in my admiration of the scandinavian culture. Gouache paints on canvas board, and lots of love.

Friday, January 31, 2020

Italy in watercolor

Using cut pieces of Arches cold pressed watercolor paper, here are a couple of 'slices' of Italy in vibrant watercolor. The vertical piece is copied from a photo of Sardenia. Sardenia is an Italian island well known for cheese and pristine beaches. The horizontal piece is the Ponte Vechio in Florence, and was a commission for a friend. She visited Florence a couple of years ago, and fell in love with the scenery (and who wouldn't?). These paintings are 10 inches wide by 2 inches tall, and are perfect for bookmarks.

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Giant Squid

This guy looks a lot friendlier than the feared Kraken, and is now hanging in my ocean themed bedroom. I had so much fun with this painting, and it has defnitely given me motivation to continue painting animals with love and fun. I kept the color themes with purple, blues and greens as with the Blue Whale painting. Painted on Tara watercolor canvas board specially treated for watercolor painting. These boards are really nice to paint on.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Rosy-Bee in gouache

The final of four in my Flowers and Friends series. Rosy-Bee bumbles around the large pink rose buzzing in bliss. I have at least a half-dozen rose bushes growing in my tiny yard to bring in the sweet honeybees. Painted on canvas board in gouache.

Fairy Forest

 Lately I have been reading more fantasy novels and find my imagination inspired by the other worldly scenes described in these books. I fin...