Saturday, December 15, 2018

Newborn costumes

A friend from middle school (1985!) requested Harry Potter and Stitch outfits for her grandson due in March. I was lucky to find these patterns on Ravelry to crochet, and made them with 100% cotton. Newborn stuff is always fun to make!

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Great Blue Heron in Oregon

This past summer, we took a drive west from our home towards the Oregon Coast. We took the scenic route, and passed by some wetlands. In those wetlands was a Great Blue Heron standing in the water looking for its next meal (I assume), and that gave me the idea for this painting in gouache on canvas board. I'm very pleased with this one and it is now hanging in my living room to remind me of the beautiful birds we have here in Oregon.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Ganesha in watercolor

I've really been into painting Asian icons, and this one was a lot of fun. Ganesha is a well known Hindu deity that represents the god of beginnings. I don't know much about the Hindu religion, but I'm drawn to images of Ganesha. This is a watercolor done on 100% cotton paper, framed and gifted to my dad for this holiday.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Bird series-American Goldfinch

The American Goldfinch is a North American finch where the males are primarily yellow (as pictured below) and females aren't so brightly colored. One interesting fact from All About Birds is these are among the most vegetarian birds, and eats insects only on occasion. Painted on 100% cotton paper with watercolor.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Maneki-neko-The lucky cat of Japan

My oldest daughter recently adopted an all white cat (she named him Jerry). She is the biggest cat lover I know, so for the holidays this year I painted her the Maneki-neko which is known to bring good luck. I made this one with the black and white outline using gouache and acrylic flourescent paints on cardstock. Looking forward to seeing her face when she opens it this Christmas!

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Memories Journal #22

Finally, I have a new memory to log in my Memories Journal. I'm still glowing from my vacation to Hawai'i last month, and the rainbows, turquoise waters, soft sand and iconic Diamond Head still bring me smiles. This island captures every color of the rainbow, which is why all the watercolors are sprawled out on display. Cannot wait to go back!

Saturday, October 13, 2018

St Johns Bridge, Portland Oregon

Recently, a friend and I were spending a sunny afternoon in the St Johns area of North Portland browsing the shops. In one shop were painted pictures of the iconic St Johns Bridge, and she noted how she would love a painting of done by me. I've painted this bridge before in watercolor, so I thought it would be fun to add some electric color to it (by electric I mean flourescent paint). Normally I do a pre-sketch of these types of paintings, and I'm quite pleased with this rough draft done in watercolor pencil.

This took me awhile to find that right perspective, and I ended up using Google Earth to do this. The finished painting is done in gouache mixed with flourescent acrylic paint using the black and white outline method. I was very proud to gift this to my friend!

Fairy Forest

 Lately I have been reading more fantasy novels and find my imagination inspired by the other worldly scenes described in these books. I fin...