Saturday, May 26, 2018

Mountain Bluebird in watercolor

I have never seen one of these birds as they dwell more in the Mountain states, but they sure do look sweet. I picked this out of the National Audobon society book for North American birds. Watercolor in my bird journal (paper).

Saturday, May 5, 2018

John Day Fossil Beds National Monument

It is my opinion that we focus too much on National Parks but not enough on National Monuments. These are places where there might be historical significance where National Parks are protected scenic areas. Well, if this isn't a scenic area, I don't know what is. The John Day Fossil Beds lie in Central Oregon, and it's a place I would like to witness for myself. These hills are incredibly alive with color and life from another time! Oregon is an amazing place, we shouldn't just be known for forests and rain. These is part of my Oregon landscape series in watercolor.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Tuscan Sunset Ride in gouache

Tuscany Italy is a dream to visit. The wine, the sunflowers, the colors, and romance are all very tantalizing to my soul. I've tried to capture that feeling in this painting. Usually the cyrpress tree is more predominant in images of this region, but I felt the willow tree-a symbol of balance and harmony-was a more fitting icon. Riding a bike through these hills would feel refreshing and peaceful, but I didn't include the wine on this bike ride. After a glass or two, I don't think I could pedal back home. This picture of paradise was painted in gouache on canvas board.


Saturday, April 14, 2018

Yaquina Head Lighthouse in watercolor

From the Oregon landscape series, this is one of many lighthouses along the Oregon coast. This is the tallest of all Oregon lighthouses and is quite close to the funky town of Newport (I recommend seeing this gem of a town!). Is this lighthouse haunted? I wish I could find out for myself personally. Sketched in ink and painted in watercolor on 100% cotton paper.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Just flowers

Sometimes you just need to color, and flowers to me are the most fun to draw and color. These fill up a folded panoramic journal and are flowers I intend on growing this season. After winter, I'm pretty flower crazy, it's all I think about. Until they sprout life in my garden, I will just have to draw them instead.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Lake Gii-was (Crater Lake) in watercolor

In 2014, my husband and I were in Southern Oregon for a half-marathon and spent a couple of days roaming the area. One excursion we made was to Crater Lake-about an hour northeast of Medford. The scenery near Crater Lake is volcanic and amazing to me. Thousands of years ago, Mt Mazama exploded and created what Americans call Crater Lake. We've made it a National Park and touristy souveniers and T-shirts are sold at the shop. You can spend the night in the lovely lodge too if you can get a reservation. 

Native Americans, who have been in this region far longer than Americans, see this place very different. It IS a sacred place, I have felt something while on my visit there. To witness this beauty for yourself is a privilege, visit with gratitude, respect and honor for the Klamath tribe. 

Painted with love, admiration and watercolor on 100% cotton paper.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Palermo in gouache

If I were to ever put one of my pieces on public display, this would be the one. Well, actually that's exactly what I did when my college (SOU, go raiders!) had a call for student artists. Even though I attend virtually, they did accept my piece for display somewhere in the university. It will hang for a year there with my name on a little plaque, and I am quite tickled! 

I own an old Vespa currently, although it doesn't run. It doesn't go faster than 25 miles per hour, and it's loud. In Sicily, these mopeds are everywhere, and I tried capturing that nostalgia in this painting. Sicily is known for it's oranges (I think it is, right?), so how fun would it be to buy a bushel of oranges on your old moped in the old streets of Palermo?

Painted with gouache on canvas, this will eventually be displayed in my own with love and pride.

Fairy Forest

 Lately I have been reading more fantasy novels and find my imagination inspired by the other worldly scenes described in these books. I fin...