Saturday, November 25, 2017

Memories Journal #19

Our family reunion in 2014 was such a good one, we decided to repeat it but with even more family. In August 2015, I rented a vacation home in Sunriver Oregon. This is a resort town that is popular for skiing in the winter, along with fishing, hiking and golf in warmer months. This time, we had more family come, plus my new Icelandic Sheepdog puppy Kaela who was just a few months old. There were a total of 11 people and 4 dogs! 

What I love about Sunriver is the serenity of the river and surroundings. Pathways follow the community so it is easy to just wander for hours.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Memories Journal #18

There is a little town on the northeastern tip of the Olympic Peninsula so quaint called Port Townsend. In 2014, my father came for a visit from North Carolina to spend time with my brother. I drove myself and my three children up to PT for an extra long weekend to have a mini family reunion. It was early spring and the winds were brisk. 2014 was a memorable year for our family because my 14 year old son had just moved in with us permanently. We spent our family time eating pizza, walking around town, strolling pebble beaches, and it was the first time in my life I saw a bald eagle. 

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Memories Journal #17

Continuing on westward home from our 2012 cross country trip, we stopped in Wyoming. Our destination was Devil's Tower, but we were running low on funds and decided not to spend the cash on entering the park. Instead, we admired from afar while eating cold ice cream just outside of the pay booth. 

Probably the biggest regret I have on this trip is continuing on I-90 instead of detouring east to drive through Yellowstone. I had this vision that Montana was going to be more beautiful than Western Wyoming, but I was greatly disappointed until we reached the very northwest tip of Montana. Hopefully this journal will include a memory of Yellowstone and the Tetons in the future. 

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Memories Journal #16

We drove home on a northern route when we left Reading. Driving through Ohio, Indiana and Illinois wasn't memorable, other than I appreciated the toll highways to move along quickly. Once we made our way into Wisconsin however, my attention was perked up. Grateful that we were traveling during summer and not a bitter winter, the flat farmlands were quite beautiful to me. 

Once we made our way into South Dakota, I was pleasantly surpised at how magnificent the summer prairies were. Yellow was everywhere, and it was unlike anything I had ever seen. Yes, flatter than I am used to, but the whole point of this trip was to see landscapes I had never experienced. 

We planned to stop in Wall SD because of the hype of the drug store. We toured that 'mall', and it was cute, but I couldn't really find the drug store but it's there. Our daughter had her photograph taken on the famous Jackalope, and my husband ate buffalo that night for dinner.

We ventured into the Badlands earlier that day, and again was surprised by a beauty I had no idea existed. The rock formations, colors and sunshine was a very happy place to be. An unforgettable area, I always tell others how surprised they will be with the beauty of this region.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Memories Journal #15

Our final destination in the 2012 road trip was Reading Pennsylvania. Anyone who knows anything about Reading would be curious to know why this was our final destination in such an epic trip. For my husband, it was a trip to his hometown and to see his family, but for me it was another opportunity to re-evaluate where I needed to be. Having been just laid off for the 2nd time in less than 3 years, I had began to wonder if it was time to relocate. Exploring the vastness of this country would give me a better prospective of whether or not I needed to try life somewhere different. Oregon is beautiful, but the Portland area was growing fast, housing was becoming expensive, jobs becoming competitive. Could I find a better place to make home? I had considered Berks County Pennsylvania.

Reading itself is not a small city, but it's not a prosperous one either. Poverty, drugs and crime are central to this old city, yet I couldn't help but see a lot of potential in it. The older row homes have so much hidden character, old churches dot the city, and then of all things a Pagoda sits on the top of the foothills.

We visited the Pagoda when it was closed, but I found it an interesting symbol of this depressing city. 

After spending a few days in Reading, I knew Pennsylvania wasn't where I wanted to call home. The visit had been good for my husband to reconnect with his family however, so I dedicate this post to him.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Memories Journal #14

One of the east coast destinations we stopped in the 2012 road trip was Washington DC. It was June, and the right coast was in the middle of an intense heat wave. Several gas stations we stopped out were out of power to pump gas. We were fortunate to find a working station on the way into DC.

We spent some time wanding around the Lincoln Memorial, we observed the Washington Memorial and walked around the WWII memorial. The Washington Memorial was closed because DC had been hit by a minor earthquake that damaged the memorial. It was still a sight to paint even years later.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

A visit to the mountains

This past weekend, my family and I took drove to Mt Hood-about 2 hours east of my home-to get some cool mountain air. We had been experiencing a lot of smoky air due to the wildfires this month (August), and this was a great opportunity to get out of that bad air. Of course, it rained while we spent the weekend in a rustic little cabin, but I did get some time sketch Mt Hood up close. I used the 400 series by Strathmore because they offer it in a 6" x 18" landscape. This allowed me to capture the profile of Mt Hood with some detail. I also used M. Graham watercolors because I love the brilliance. It turned out very well for having to sketch this in the car due to the wind continuously blowing my hair in my eyes.

Last week, as we were preparing for our weekend getaway, I sketched the mountain from a view at Trillium Lake. This was done on Bee Paper watercolor postcards, and I made it especially for my pen friend in New Zealand. Mt Hood reminds me a lot of Mt Taranaki on the north island of New Zealand. It's nice to be able to exchange artwork with another person on the other side of the world, and it was her artwork that has inspired me to teach myself sketching and painting. This was the postcard I made for her:

Fairy Forest

 Lately I have been reading more fantasy novels and find my imagination inspired by the other worldly scenes described in these books. I fin...