Monday, July 4, 2016

Sicily in Gouache

I had started this painting several weeks ago, but lost my inspiration. Today I got that inspiration back, and decided to go heavy with the bold gouache. I then used Staedtler's Triplus Fineliner by Johanna Basford to outline everything. It turned out 'cartoonish' my family told me, but they liked it. Still trying to find my style, and this feels right so far. Sicily is a place I would like to visit someday because of my maternal heritage.

Knitting Icelandic Sweaters

Knitting is my most practical hobby, but also most expensive. It's been about 10 years since I taught myself, and I am quite proud of how far I have come. Here are two Icelandic sweaters for my upcoming vacation to Iceland.

Made with Alafoss Icelandic Wool-Kaela approves
Knitted with Lion Brand Woolspun so it wasn't 'scratchy' for my daughter.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Montevideo, Uruguay

Montevideo is the capital of Uruguay, a small coastal county in South America. Years ago, I studied a lot about this country, it's culture, it's landscape, it's people. This country is quite a gem it seems, and I would love to travel here and spend a day on the sunny beaches. It's a peaceful place, with stability and a rich culture all it's own.
This painting is in my Art Journal-page 2-of a street with colonial homes. I painted these homes brighter than the photo was, but I imagine being there with the peaceful sunshine everything appears brighter. Initially sketched with watercolor pencil, coated with Daniel Smith Watercolors, and accented with Sakura Micron pens. 

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Tiny Lavender fields forever

I really liked the painting I made my dad named Lavender Field so much that I decided to paint a small replica for me. This one is a 5 x 5 using Graham Gouache. I did this one in an afternoon, and didn't include the old house this time. I am sort of obsessed with France's lavender fields, and hope to one day visit one just for the immersion in the scents and sights of this wonderful flower.

2016 Summer Dress for a Tween

Currently, I am enrolled half time to finish my degree, so free time isn't abundant. Once spring break arrived however, I had a plan to do a bit of sewing-my original creative love. I promised my daughter a new summer dress, and so I found a pattern on Etsy to sew her. The pattern is called Ahmelie Bloom Shine Maxi Missy by Pink Fig Designs. It was quite an easy pattern to sew, but I did end up with a lot of scrap fabric to make another project. This is usually a bonus, however, I still try to be conservative when buying fabric for patterns. 
The fabric was purchased from Joann's in my city. I am normally a bit of a fabric snob, but for the amount the pattern needed, and the fact that my daughter is still growing, I decided to be smart about my purchase. This amount of fabric cost me $50 even on sale, but again, I do have a lot of scraps left. 

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Wine and Canvas, Round 2

Recently, I did another Wine and Canvas class at the St Josef winery in Canby, Oregon. The first class I took nearly a year ago got my inspiration started with painting, but these are so much fun that I had to take another. This is acrylic on a 16 x 20 canvas sitting above my kitchen cabinets. Although acrylic isn't my favorite, the social aspect of a Wine and Canvas class is a lot of fun.

Friday, January 1, 2016


Because canvas is expensive, and I can only hang so many in my home, I began an Art Journal. The Art Journal will feature paintings of places I wish to visit (if I had the opportunity). My goal is to see how I develop over time in practicing a technique in painting. I bought a Bee Creative Watercolor spiral bound pad for this experiment.

This is page one, and it is a replica of a photograph of homes in Taos, New Mexico. I loved the blue sky and the contrasting red clay homes with green doors, and defined the elements with a Sakura Micron pen.The initial sketch was colored in with watercolor pencil, and then I went back over that with Graham Gouache paint. 

Why Taos? New Mexico has always enchanted me, and Taos seems to define that enchantment theme.

Fairy Forest

 Lately I have been reading more fantasy novels and find my imagination inspired by the other worldly scenes described in these books. I fin...