Showing posts with label lighthouses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lighthouses. Show all posts

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Americana series-9 mini snapshots of the USA

Working at an art supply distributor has its perks. I was able to score these 4 x 4 mini canvases as a discontinued deal for next to nothing, and I turned them into something! America is a diverse landscape that I have great appreciation for. I doubt just these nine paintings capture all of them, but here are my viewpoints of the landscapes of America. Notice I did not do a big city as these represent escapes to the beautiful American countryside. All of these painted with acrylics.

Starting from top left:
  • The covered bridge can be found many places, especially in rural America.
  • This is obviously O'ahu, but it is definitely an escape!
  • The southwestern desert has amazing saguaro cactus.
  • Lighthouses also can be found in many areas of America, including the Great Lakes.
  • Route 66 is the all American road.
  • The high desert regions of Native Americans is very sacred.
  • The mountains and lakes of the western USA hold a special place in my heart.
  • The Great Plains is our bread basket, usually not a destination but just as important to America.
  • The beach, which also can be the ocean, lakes or rivers that Americans escape to for recreation.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Assateague National Seashore National Park

I've never been to this national seashore, but it's on my list to someday visit. I imagine a 4th of July long weekend walking these beaches, witnessing wild ponies, admiring the lighthouses, eating seafood. This is Tom's Cove and is replicated from the National Park website. This is a bookmark size painting laminated, and is my 'window' view from where I sit to work so that I may remember that life isn't all work. Painted in watercolor.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Yaquina Head Lighthouse in watercolor

From the Oregon landscape series, this is one of many lighthouses along the Oregon coast. This is the tallest of all Oregon lighthouses and is quite close to the funky town of Newport (I recommend seeing this gem of a town!). Is this lighthouse haunted? I wish I could find out for myself personally. Sketched in ink and painted in watercolor on 100% cotton paper.

Fairy Forest

 Lately I have been reading more fantasy novels and find my imagination inspired by the other worldly scenes described in these books. I fin...