Showing posts with label Wyoming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wyoming. Show all posts

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Memories Journal #17

Continuing on westward home from our 2012 cross country trip, we stopped in Wyoming. Our destination was Devil's Tower, but we were running low on funds and decided not to spend the cash on entering the park. Instead, we admired from afar while eating cold ice cream just outside of the pay booth. 

Probably the biggest regret I have on this trip is continuing on I-90 instead of detouring east to drive through Yellowstone. I had this vision that Montana was going to be more beautiful than Western Wyoming, but I was greatly disappointed until we reached the very northwest tip of Montana. Hopefully this journal will include a memory of Yellowstone and the Tetons in the future. 

Fairy Forest

 Lately I have been reading more fantasy novels and find my imagination inspired by the other worldly scenes described in these books. I fin...