Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The art of growing food

I feel growing food is more an art than a science, but I'm also an ameteur at it. My tiny plot of suburbia is less than 5000 square feet, but I have plenty of spaces to stick herbs and tomatoes to thrive in. Although I primarily focus on growing flowers, growing food and herbs has proven to me that it is extremely rewarding. 

Now that we are in late July, my basil and cherry tomatoes are at their peak. Yes, the scents and flavors of this abundance of basil and cherry tomatoes are delightful.

Since December of this past year, I have converted to a mainly plant based diet with the occasional salmon or tuna on special dinner occasions. It's been 7 months since I've eaten any sort of poultry or mammal meat, and I feel so much better. Not just physically, but also mentally! 

With all that basil grown on my patio, I turned it into freezer pesto. Two cups of fresh basil made about 6 servings of pesto-I'm freezing five tonight.

For dinner tonight, one of those six servings will be fresh on spinach and cheese stuffed ravioli served with a side of salad. Those tomatoes in the salad are also home grown.

I won't normally post dinner photos on this blog, but the art of growing delicious food warrants a mention this time. Bon appetit!

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