Saturday, March 10, 2018

Lake Gii-was (Crater Lake) in watercolor

In 2014, my husband and I were in Southern Oregon for a half-marathon and spent a couple of days roaming the area. One excursion we made was to Crater Lake-about an hour northeast of Medford. The scenery near Crater Lake is volcanic and amazing to me. Thousands of years ago, Mt Mazama exploded and created what Americans call Crater Lake. We've made it a National Park and touristy souveniers and T-shirts are sold at the shop. You can spend the night in the lovely lodge too if you can get a reservation. 

Native Americans, who have been in this region far longer than Americans, see this place very different. It IS a sacred place, I have felt something while on my visit there. To witness this beauty for yourself is a privilege, visit with gratitude, respect and honor for the Klamath tribe. 

Painted with love, admiration and watercolor on 100% cotton paper.

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