Saturday, January 13, 2018

Wool Satchel

After knitting so many Icelandic sweaters, I had a lot of scrap Icelandic yarn to use up. I love making my own purses and bags, as I find manufactured bags a little dull. This is a pretty good size satchel crocheted with colors that remind me of the Northwest. The patch is a design by Cada Johnson, a designer living here in Oregon. Her artwork has always fascinated me, I love her captures of nature and this patch is one of my favorites. I made the bag large so that once I washed and dried it, it would become 'felted'. While it did shrink some, I still feel it's a bit large. That's okay though, better to be slightly large than too small! I even sewed a small pocket inside. This satchel is crocheted entirely with Alafoss yarn, a company in Iceland that has a very cool store outside of Reykjavik. The yarn is sturdy and water resistant (those sheep endure some serious wet weather!). I really love how the colors come together in this one.

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