Saturday, October 28, 2017

Memories Journal #17

Continuing on westward home from our 2012 cross country trip, we stopped in Wyoming. Our destination was Devil's Tower, but we were running low on funds and decided not to spend the cash on entering the park. Instead, we admired from afar while eating cold ice cream just outside of the pay booth. 

Probably the biggest regret I have on this trip is continuing on I-90 instead of detouring east to drive through Yellowstone. I had this vision that Montana was going to be more beautiful than Western Wyoming, but I was greatly disappointed until we reached the very northwest tip of Montana. Hopefully this journal will include a memory of Yellowstone and the Tetons in the future. 

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Memories Journal #16

We drove home on a northern route when we left Reading. Driving through Ohio, Indiana and Illinois wasn't memorable, other than I appreciated the toll highways to move along quickly. Once we made our way into Wisconsin however, my attention was perked up. Grateful that we were traveling during summer and not a bitter winter, the flat farmlands were quite beautiful to me. 

Once we made our way into South Dakota, I was pleasantly surpised at how magnificent the summer prairies were. Yellow was everywhere, and it was unlike anything I had ever seen. Yes, flatter than I am used to, but the whole point of this trip was to see landscapes I had never experienced. 

We planned to stop in Wall SD because of the hype of the drug store. We toured that 'mall', and it was cute, but I couldn't really find the drug store but it's there. Our daughter had her photograph taken on the famous Jackalope, and my husband ate buffalo that night for dinner.

We ventured into the Badlands earlier that day, and again was surprised by a beauty I had no idea existed. The rock formations, colors and sunshine was a very happy place to be. An unforgettable area, I always tell others how surprised they will be with the beauty of this region.

Fairy Forest

 Lately I have been reading more fantasy novels and find my imagination inspired by the other worldly scenes described in these books. I fin...